Countering Common Objections to Self-Publishing
In the world of writing and publishing, there’s a traditional path that many authors aspire to follow: securing an agent, landing a publishing deal with a reputable publishing house, and seeing their book on shelves worldwide. However, with the rise of self-publishing services like Foglio and print-on-demand platforms like Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP), authors now have other preferable options to get their work out into the world. Yet, despite its growing popularity, self-publishing still faces its fair share of objections and misconceptions. In this post, we'll tackle some of the most common objections to self-publishing and why they may not hold as much weight as you think.
Self-published books lack quality
This objection might have been true in the early days of self-publishing, when authors had limited resources and options for producing high-quality books. However, with the advancement of technology and the rise of professional services catering to self-published authors, the quality of self-published books has improved significantly. Authors now have access to professional editors, designers, and formatters who can help them produce books that are on par with traditionally published ones. Additionally, many self-published authors take great pride in their work and invest time and effort into making sure their books meet high standards.
Self-publishing is expensive
While it's true that self-publishing can involve some upfront costs, such as editing, cover design, and marketing, these costs are an investment in your work, in something you believe in. Most authors who launch their self-published books with directed efforts toward marketing and promotion can recover the costs fairly quickly. Moreover, self-publishing allows authors to retain control over their books’ revenue, making self-published books more profitable for authors when compared to any other publishing methods. With careful planning and budgeting, self-publishing can be the most cost-effective way to bring your book to market.
Self-published books don't sell well
Sure, not every self-published book becomes a bestseller, the same can be said for traditionally published books. Success in the publishing industry is never guaranteed, regardless of the publishing path you choose. However, self-publishing offers authors more control over their marketing and promotion efforts, which can lead to greater success in reaching their target audience. Many self-published authors have achieved significant sales and built loyal reader followings through strategic marketing, effective use of social media, and cultivating relationships with readers and bloggers.
Self-published authors don't get respect
While there may still be some lingering stigma surrounding self-publishing, the publishing landscape has evolved considerably in recent years. With the rise of successful self-published authors like Hugh Howey, Amanda Hocking, and Andy Weir, traditional publishing gatekeepers are starting to take notice of the quality and marketability of self-published books. In fact, many traditionally published authors are now choosing to self-publish certain projects or backlist titles to retain creative control and maximize their earnings. Ultimately, the respect an author receives is based on the quality of their work and their professionalism, regardless of how it's published.
Self-publishing is too much work
It's true that self-publishing requires authors to take on additional responsibilities beyond just writing, such as marketing, distribution, and bookkeeping. However, for many authors, the trade-off is worth it for the creative freedom and potential financial rewards that self-publishing offers. Plus, there are plenty of resources and communities available to support self-published authors, from online forums and social media groups to local writing associations and conferences. With the right mindset and support system in place, self-publishing can be a rewarding and fulfilling journey.
So, while self-publishing may not be the right choice for every author or every project, it's important to challenge common objections and misconceptions about this publishing path. With the right mindset, resources, and support, self-publishing can be a viable and rewarding option for authors looking to share their stories with the world. So if you're considering self-publishing your book, don't let fear or doubt hold you back—embrace the opportunity to take control of your publishing journey and bring your vision to life.
Foglio is here to help you self-publish your book. Our comprehensive publishing services include editing, cover design, formatting, print, eBook design, and so much more. We want to empower authors to tell their stories and share their expertise on their own terms. Contact Foglio Custom Book Specialist to begin your self-publishing journey today!